Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I'm so sorry Aditya I copy and pasted your creative writing. I did that because I don't want to write my work because it's too long. I was very lazy to do it my work. I'm so sorry Adit I will never do it again for the rest of my life. Would you forgive me? That's okay if don't want to become friends with me anymore. The most important part is would you forgive me for what have I done.

Love: Rinaka
Sorry !!!!


Unknown said...

Go Go Rinaka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok rinaka I agree with you good boy and cool guy

arvidsyakir said...

It's a good thing that you told the truth aditya feel a little bit :-( thoe. But it is all right.

Ca^2 said...

Remember your nettiquite! and don't do that again, now that you know what will happen. Remember Okay?

Christiana Louisa said...

Rinaka I think you did the right thing by telling the truth and I think that you will not copy and paste again next time.

Grace in GGM said...

Rinaka, Your good to tell the truth and dont do that again.

Yohana Gabriella said...

Rinaka, You are a good that you have told the truth. Good boy

Joshua Hutabarat said...

Rinaka you are going to promise don't do it again and it's good you tell the truth

Josephine said...

Rinaka, don't think about what you did wrong but think about what you do to tell the truth.

kathleen said...

Good job Rinaka you did the right thing.:)

Hesky said...

goooooood to tell the truth
Rinaka your being truthful.
don't be tempted again next time and don't do it again.

Alto said...

That was a honest thing to do. Don't forget to fix the grammar in the sentence
"That's okay if don't want to become friends with me anymore."

grace said...

good boy Rinaka you said the truth.
I hope you don't do it again..

grace p

Rinaka's Blog said...

Is ok ko Rin but next time don't do it again

Rinaka's Blog said...

Thanks every body

Rinaka's Blog said...

Your the best